Sunday, February 27, 2011


Hello! This afternoon at Church, I was helping our teacher, Mrs. Daniels, clean up the classroom for next Sunday and I asked her how old you have to be to be a helper in the Nursery. She said that there is not a certain age, but you just have to like it and be good at it. And I said I would LOVE to be a helper in Nursery and she said.... she will put my name on the list of Nursery helpers!! Some weeks, I will help in the Nursery and some weeks I will be a Junior Church helper since I now stay out in Church with Mom and Dad.
I LOVE to work in the nursery but today it was SO crazy! Aaron and 2 little boys named Cooper, and Zeph, were all running around and there was a little girl named Kaylee playing on the floor and then Owen and a 10 month old baby named Zye, Zeph's little brother, were both crawling on the floor. Owen would start to cry and I would pick him up and Zye would see Owen was getting attention and he would start crying. Then I would pick him up and Owen would cry!! So I kept picking one and putting the other down and then switching!!
Well, that's all!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Can't wait!

Hi! I just can't seem to stop thinking about Spring! I LOVE Spring not just because I will turn 9 in the Spring but I love to go outside and play in our yard! I think it is so much prettier in the Spring! The grass is green, Daddy is going to help us fill up Ruby's doggy holes, Mommy's lilac bush is growing, and we have little white flowers and yellow flowers all over our yard! But I am excited about turning 9! And when I turn 9, like my cousin did, I am going to Horse Camp when I turn 9  so I can learn how to ride and take care of a horse!! I LOVE horses! They are my absolute favorite animal! I don't know why but they are!

 Thanks for looking at my blog!


Sunday, February 6, 2011

I can't wait!!

Hi again! Daddy promised the next time Ruby has puppys, we would keep one and now he is saying no and so we are going to get a different kind of puppy. So, I talked to them about it and the puppy will be mine and will be given to me on my birthday!!! And it's going to be a Chihuahua! I LOVE Chihuahuas! Now, I am going to name it a Spanish name but I can't decide between Leya, which means Loyal, or Chica which means Little Girl. What would you choose?

Thanks for looking at my blog!


To Old Already.

Hello! Since today is Sunday, we went to Church as we always do. Usually, we go to Sunday School which is in the morning and Junior Church which is a little later in the afternoon. After Sunday School, we go out in the Church and sit with our parents. During the 2nd hymn we sing, all the kids and 1 grownup all go out and go either to the downstairs room our the upstairs room and have Junior Church. Well, last week, Me and Ilse Daniels and the girl I went to summer camp with Soraya Syafurudin, and Kendra Rodriguez and Carter Fullerton all graduated out of Junior Church and will now be sitting out in Church the entire time with our parents. This my first time and I didn't even stay out the whole because Mommy and I could hear Baby O crying all the way back in the nursery and so we went back there to calm him down and ended up staying there until Church was over. But, I LOVE to help in the nursery because all the little kids are so cute! Today we had a lot of little kids and really little kids. There was Aaron and Owen, and a little boy named Brent Pierce who is I think almost 1, and a little boy named Zeph Dunbar who is the son of the Assistant Pastor who is I think like maybe 2 and his baby brother named Zye who is 9 months and a little girl named Kaylee who is I think maybe 1 or 1/2.
Well, thanks for looking at my blog!


Thursday, February 3, 2011


Hello! On a different post of mine, I told how Mom, Anna Owen and I, went to NY for Great Aunt Gladys  & Uncle Ajax's 50th anniversary party. Before the party, we went to their house and Aunt Gladys brought down a bunch of dolls and let me and Anna each choose one. Anna's was very Christmasy and she named her, Noel. I named mine Andrea and I took some pictures of her. Here she is!

Thanks for looking at my blog!      Emma.