Good morning! I just wanted to post on my blog what Mom saw on Facebook. Mr. Whaley died. Mom grew up with Mrs. Whaley and Mom's sister-in-law, was a teacher at the school where Mr. Whaley was the principal. So. Well, I just wanted to let you know.
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Christmas Pictures, as Promised.
Good morning everyone! Here are some of the Christmas pictures.
The boys were so excited about getting this game. It has been a big hit with the whole family! Me and Anna have played it, and even Daddy likes to watch!
Is this the cutest face you've ever seen or what?! He really liked the cool toy from Great Aunt Tiny and Uncle Wayne! Cutie!
When this was happening, Owen looked up at Mom and looked like saying if he could, Get me out of here before I drown in wrapping paper!
Puppet show again. Sorry about the white thing. That's Ethan getting his puppet ready. And this last one is all the cousins at Nana and Poppy's house. Aaron, Alivia, Me,(holding Owen) Anna, Ethan, Delaney,(who was kinda tired) and Jillian.
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Happy New Year!
Is this the cutest face you've ever seen or what?! He really liked the cool toy from Great Aunt Tiny and Uncle Wayne! Cutie!
Uncle Jason and Aunt Denise sent us this great puppet stage and 4 puppets. It was a big hit. We all planned a little play and did it for Gram and Gramp and Aunt Jenny.
Puppet show again. Sorry about the white thing. That's Ethan getting his puppet ready. And this last one is all the cousins at Nana and Poppy's house. Aaron, Alivia, Me,(holding Owen) Anna, Ethan, Delaney,(who was kinda tired) and Jillian.
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Happy New Year!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Twas Christmas Day!
Merry Merry Merry Christmas everyone!!!!! We woke up at 7:00 this morning and had to wait about 15 minutes for Mom to get ready. Ugh. Well, anyway, we had a great time opening presents and helping Baby O open his. But, our favorite thing that we got are our Calico Critters. You can find them by going to, They are really cool. Aaron got the Norwood Mouse Family. Father, Chester, Mother, Brie, Brother, Colby, and Sister, Nibbles. Ethan got the Pickleweed Hedgehog Family. Father, Harold, Mother, Heloise, Brother, Harry, and Sister,Haley. Anna got the Furbank Squirrels Family. Father, Kennith, Mother, Emma, (I'm named after a squirrel!) Brother, Douglas, and Sister, Greta. And I got the Yellow Labrador Family. Father, Barker, (perfect for a dog huh?) Mother, Lucy, and Brother and Sister, Buddy and Sadie. Anna also got the little squirrel twins who are adorable!! Their names are Girl, Fay, and Boy, Ray. I have to go. I will post pictures later.
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Merry Merry Merry Christmas!
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Merry Merry Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Twas The Night Before Christmas......
Hello everyone! I know I just posted yesterday about pretty much the same thing, but, I'm so excited! On Christmas Eve, it's so close to Christmas and I know it, that get the jitterbugs. Whatever that is. On Christmas Eve, at about 5:00, at our Church, we always have a Christmas Eve candlelight service. After we sing and Pastor talks a little, everyone who wants to, can go up and get a candle, and light from it another candle. Than, you go stand against the wall and the lights are turned out. It's really cool. But, I'm not going to do it. I am going to stay in the nursery and help, because last year, Aaron got to hold a candle and he was right next to me, and I leaned over to tell him to try to hold the candle still because he was wobbling it, and my hair caught fire from his candle, so, I'm helping in the nursery tonight.
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
So close!
Hi Everyone! I just can't wait! Christmas is so so so close!!! Here are the presents I got for everyone. For Daddy, and Mom, I got matching coffee mugs, and some Dunkin Donuts coffee. For Anna, I got a little stuffed bunny rabbit. Ethan's is a stuffed puppy dog with a ball attached. Aaron's is a Spider-Man lunchbox and Owen got a little stuffed gray rabbit. My cousin, Alivia, gets a box to hold her earrings in. Jillian's is a soft stuffed kitty cat, and Delaney get's a Beanie Baby Holiday Teddy. Aunt Heidi gets a bracelet and Uncle Jonathan gets a mug. Grampy gets something to hang a stocking on and I got Poppy one too. Grammy's is a glass pot to put flour of sugar in. Nana's is a glass heart-shaped box to put her earrings in. And my friend, Mrs. Wanger, gets a clear glass serving plate.
That's all for now!
Thanks for looking at my blog! And,
"Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"
That's all for now!
Thanks for looking at my blog! And,
"Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Decorations, and now the Tree!
Hi Everyone! Last Sunday, we were are still a little sick so we stayed home from Church and slept almost the whole day and watched movies on the new program that Mom and Dad gave us as an early Christmas present. It's called Roku. It's really cool. You can get movies on Hulu and Netflix and even rent movies from Amazon! How cool is that?! Well, at the end of the day, we were feeling better (and needed something for supper) so we decided, to go get our Christmas Tree! And Daddy was so tired (cause he had just gotten up) he didn't even really dress! Just a T-shirt with a warm fleecy flannel shirt over it, his coat and gloves and get this, he wore his Pajama pants! Ha! Well, anyway, after ruining our shoes marching through the icky gicky mud, we chose a tree and went in to pay for it. There, Dad and Mom had a glass of Apple Cider and all of us had a cookie. We also got 1 piece of candy and the lady filled little plastic bags with "reindeer food" for all of us except Owen. (It was really just some Rolled Oats mixed with some pretty purple glitter. We are saving them for Christmas Eve Night to sprinkle on the ground for Santa Claus's reindeer.Ha!) Aaron likes Rudolph best. So,we got Subway for supper, got home, ate, had Advent and fell asleep.
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Goodbye Thanksging Decorations, Hello Christmas Decorations!
Saturday, we had nothing to do, so, much to everyone's delight, we got the Christmas decorations down from the attic! Sadly, we don't have as many because last year, our Christmas Tree fell, breaking quite a few of our ornaments including Mom's angel. Luckily, the fall didn't break all the ornaments and Mom will get the angel replaced.
Well, thanks for looking at my blog!
Saturday, we had nothing to do, so, much to everyone's delight, we got the Christmas decorations down from the attic! Sadly, we don't have as many because last year, our Christmas Tree fell, breaking quite a few of our ornaments including Mom's angel. Luckily, the fall didn't break all the ornaments and Mom will get the angel replaced.
Well, thanks for looking at my blog!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thanksgiving Pictures.
Hi! Here are a few pictures from our fun day yesterday!
Singing, "Except for the turkey!"
Same people, we just added Mom and Aunt Heidi.
. Owen was having fun playing doggy like he saw Aaron and Cousin Delaney doing earlier. What a ham.
Cousin Jillian brought The Little Red Hen and asked if we could act it out.
This is a picture of all the cousins. Ethan, Delaney, Jillian, Anna, Me and Alivia. 
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Another Thanksgiving, Come and Gone.
Well, that's one more Thanksgiving to write about in my journal. Now, onto Advent &Christmas. Hmmm.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Today we watched the Macy's 85th Thanksgiving Day Parade! Than, our cousins and aunt and uncle came and then our grandparents and our other aunt! Right now, the grownups are talking and all the kids are watching "Scooby-Doo's Creepiest Capers, Hassle in The Castle. Spooky! I have a challenge. For the next few hours, whoever wants to, can post what they are thankful for. I am thankful for my family and friends, and I'm very thankful for this wonderful holiday!
Happy Thanksgiving again Everyone!
Oh and if you want to listen to a funny Thanksgiving song, click on the link.
Happy Thanksgiving again Everyone!
Oh and if you want to listen to a funny Thanksgiving song, click on the link.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Older cards and a Craft
Hi! I was looking on my pictures to see if Mom had added any more pictures of my cards and I found a few pictures from a couple years ago that I forgot to post! The first picture, is of a little Christmas Caroler I made for my Aunt 2 years ago! I painted a card-board tube pink and I used darker pink felt for the mittens. I used one of Mom's marker to make the mouth and cheeks and eyes. I cut up some of Mom's old music for the sheet music. For the hat, I took an old sock and cut the heel and some of the top off. Than, I put one end of the sock on the Caroler's head, and the other end I tied with ribbon. And the others are older cards I made.
Well, thanks for looking at my blog!
Well, thanks for looking at my blog!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Temporary Blog Background and Banner
Hi! I just have this blog background and banner until I have time to make a new banner. But, this was pretty so we put it on.
Well, thanks for looking at my blog!
Well, thanks for looking at my blog!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Advent is almost here! That means Christmas is close!
Hi! This morning, while I was watching the news with Mom and Dad, they had all this Christmas stuff. Music, they had people skating, decorations, they were even wearing Christmas clothes! I can't wait! Advent starts really soon and Ethan will be old enough to light a candle by himself this year! I can't wait! Last year, we read a book called, Jotham's Journey. This year, we will read a book about his friend, Bartholomew. Sorry if I spelled that wrong. I not exactly very good in spelling.
Well, thanks for looking at my blog!
Well, thanks for looking at my blog!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Goodbye yuck!
I am feeling SO much better! I don't even feel like I've ever been sick! But, nobody else, looks or feels like they will be sick! Today, Nana is coming to watch all the boys, including Owen, while Me, Mom and Anna go to a Concert. I can't wait! The Concert is called, The Planets. I have to go.
Thanks for looking at my blog!
I am feeling SO much better! I don't even feel like I've ever been sick! But, nobody else, looks or feels like they will be sick! Today, Nana is coming to watch all the boys, including Owen, while Me, Mom and Anna go to a Concert. I can't wait! The Concert is called, The Planets. I have to go.
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Hi! Me, Mom and Owen had to stay home from Church today because last night, I got sick. So today, Me, Mom and Owen had to stay home. I was sick once more and then one more time and I didn't have to do any more. Now it is lunch time and I am having some dry toast. Mom said that if I don't get sick when I eat the toast I can try a banana or more toast with something on it. Well, that's all for today.
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Hapy B-day to you! Happy B-day to you! Happy B-day dear Delaney! Happy B-day to you!
Hi! Right now, we are watching Mulan II.. Later, Mom, Anna, Owen and Me will get ready to go to Delaney, (our cousin on Mom's side) 4rth B-day Party. Here is the card I made her. I think I overdid myself on the pink a little! She and Aaron are pretty close in age except she's a few months older. I have to go.
P.S. This other picture here is a card I forgot to post. Enjoy!
P.S. This other picture here is a card I forgot to post. Enjoy!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Halloween Pictures As Promised!
Hi! Here are the Halloween pictures. This first picture is our driver for half of the evening, Senor Juan. His mustache is much better than Ethan's Pilgrim one, isn't it? The next picture is half of the crew. Daddy as a hunter. Mom said you can't really tell it's a costume in Maine! Our friend, Ilse, the one on the floor next to me was "Cleocatra" The next picture is adorable. Isn't he SO cute! At least he was perfectly warm the whole time! Anna is so cute in this next picture. I love her nose and whiskers! And the last picture is the one Mom likes. Isn't Owen the cutest little rooster you've ever seen? Mom was a hunter also but the only part of her that was warm was her feet because she had on Daddy's hunting boots. Let's see what we come up with next year! Thanks for looking at my blog!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Happy Halloween!
I can't wait! Tomorrow is Halloween! We will go"Trick or Treating" with our friends, the Milos. Mr. Milo, is trying to attach a trailer to his truck so we can ride in the trailer! Today, we carved the pumpkin. Instead of just a face, we used a stencil of a little scared ghost. I can't wait till tomorrow to post pictures!
Thanks for looking at my blog and Happy Halloween!!
I can't wait! Tomorrow is Halloween! We will go"Trick or Treating" with our friends, the Milos. Mr. Milo, is trying to attach a trailer to his truck so we can ride in the trailer! Today, we carved the pumpkin. Instead of just a face, we used a stencil of a little scared ghost. I can't wait till tomorrow to post pictures!
Thanks for looking at my blog and Happy Halloween!!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
All Set for a fun, Animal, Halloween!
Yesterday, Me, Mom and Anna, went to a store that sells baby stuff called, The Baby Mama, and bought Aaron an ADORABLE little monkey suit with a top and bottom and a little pocket with a banana in it! For Owen, we got this little cowboy suit with a leather hat and a little velvet vest and little fringed chaps. But, IT WAS TO SMALL!!!! I can't believe it was to small! It's SO cute!! But, since it doesn't fit, he will be a rooster. Ethan is going to be a tiger, using a mask, tail and little bow-tie we got at Walmart. He will wear a black shirt and pants also. Anna, is going to be a bunny rabbit. She also has a bow-tie, little bunny tail and headband with ears. She will wear a light pink leotard with white tights. I, will be a black cat. I also have a black cat mask with ears, and a bow-tie and a tail. I will wear a black leotard with black tights and my new, high-heeled, black shoes. I will post pictures later!
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Yesterday, Me, Mom and Anna, went to a store that sells baby stuff called, The Baby Mama, and bought Aaron an ADORABLE little monkey suit with a top and bottom and a little pocket with a banana in it! For Owen, we got this little cowboy suit with a leather hat and a little velvet vest and little fringed chaps. But, IT WAS TO SMALL!!!! I can't believe it was to small! It's SO cute!! But, since it doesn't fit, he will be a rooster. Ethan is going to be a tiger, using a mask, tail and little bow-tie we got at Walmart. He will wear a black shirt and pants also. Anna, is going to be a bunny rabbit. She also has a bow-tie, little bunny tail and headband with ears. She will wear a light pink leotard with white tights. I, will be a black cat. I also have a black cat mask with ears, and a bow-tie and a tail. I will wear a black leotard with black tights and my new, high-heeled, black shoes. I will post pictures later!
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Sometimes, Rainy Days can be fun too!
Today, since it was raining, we decided to have a fun day indoors, learning about The Pilgrims and The Indians, and The First Thanksgiving! So, we got dressed, and went down in the barn and brought up wood, and Mom made a fire and then I made Hot Cocoa and we all watched a Bible Story Movie and when that was done, I read the book called, Squanto and The First Thanksgiving! It tells how Thanksgiving has been celebrated for over 350 years, and how it got started. We usually think right away of The Pilgrims, but it tells how it really got started, with a Patuxet Indian named Squanto. A lot of you, (this is in the book) may not have heard of the Patuxet Tribe. That's because Squanto was the very last Patuxet alive!Then it tells the Thanksgiving story. So, when that was done, we all went up-stairs and got paper, pencils and crayons and drew pictures of what we think a Patuxet Indian would have looked like and then we drew pictures, of what we think a Pilgrim would have looked like! Then, we dressed up and pretended we were Pilgrims. Here's a picture of us dressed up like Pilgrims - or trying to look like pilgrims. Like Ethan's paper "beard and mustache" Anna made him? Hahaha!
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Today, since it was raining, we decided to have a fun day indoors, learning about The Pilgrims and The Indians, and The First Thanksgiving! So, we got dressed, and went down in the barn and brought up wood, and Mom made a fire and then I made Hot Cocoa and we all watched a Bible Story Movie and when that was done, I read the book called, Squanto and The First Thanksgiving! It tells how Thanksgiving has been celebrated for over 350 years, and how it got started. We usually think right away of The Pilgrims, but it tells how it really got started, with a Patuxet Indian named Squanto. A lot of you, (this is in the book) may not have heard of the Patuxet Tribe. That's because Squanto was the very last Patuxet alive!Then it tells the Thanksgiving story. So, when that was done, we all went up-stairs and got paper, pencils and crayons and drew pictures of what we think a Patuxet Indian would have looked like and then we drew pictures, of what we think a Pilgrim would have looked like! Then, we dressed up and pretended we were Pilgrims. Here's a picture of us dressed up like Pilgrims - or trying to look like pilgrims. Like Ethan's paper "beard and mustache" Anna made him? Hahaha!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
I just had to tell you! My Uncle Jeremy is coming home from working on his ship on Saturday!!!
Yea!! I can't wait! Every time Uncle Jer comes home, we have a party at our house. Just us and Daddy's parents,
Grammy and Grampy, and Daddy's sister, Aunt Jennifer. And we have dinner and talk in the family room and talk some more and talk and talk and talk until its time for us to go to bed. Both my Uncles on Daddy's side, his 2 brothers, live very far away. (I only have 1 uncle on Mom's side) Uncle Jeremy lives in Thailand and is Daddy's youngest brother. Uncle Jason lives in Hawaii and is Daddy's oldest brother. And Aunt Jen is the baby.
Well, that's all for now!
Thanks for looking at my blog!
I just had to tell you! My Uncle Jeremy is coming home from working on his ship on Saturday!!!
Yea!! I can't wait! Every time Uncle Jer comes home, we have a party at our house. Just us and Daddy's parents,
Grammy and Grampy, and Daddy's sister, Aunt Jennifer. And we have dinner and talk in the family room and talk some more and talk and talk and talk until its time for us to go to bed. Both my Uncles on Daddy's side, his 2 brothers, live very far away. (I only have 1 uncle on Mom's side) Uncle Jeremy lives in Thailand and is Daddy's youngest brother. Uncle Jason lives in Hawaii and is Daddy's oldest brother. And Aunt Jen is the baby.
Well, that's all for now!
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Daddy's Birthday Present.
This is Emma's project for the current challenge on Children's Challenge Corner - to use patterned paper. She made this page for her Dad's birthday this week. She'll be back in a bit to give you more detail! :)
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Yea Owen!
As some of you might know, Owen will be turning 1 on Saturday.
We are having his party Sunday and Gram and Gramp and Nana and Poppy will be coming up.
His party theme is Dino! Nana is making the cake and Gram is bringing the ice cream.
I will post some pictures of his party then.
Thanks for looking at my blog and here are a 2 pictures of the puppies!
As some of you might know, Owen will be turning 1 on Saturday.
We are having his party Sunday and Gram and Gramp and Nana and Poppy will be coming up.
His party theme is Dino! Nana is making the cake and Gram is bringing the ice cream.
I will post some pictures of his party then.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Tomorrow morning, at 6:00 in the morning, Me, Dad, and my 5 year old brother, Ethan, are going to go out hunting! Me and Ethan aren't going to take bows but we will look for deer for Dad. We will all be on the ground.
I've never gone hunting before but Ethan has.
I can't wait! Maybe we'll get one!
Daddy's birthday was yesterday. We had a Pumpkin Pie that Grammy made.
Owen's birthday is next week, October 9th.
And Nana's birthday is October 11th.
Baby O is going to be 1 year old!
I will post a picture tomorrow if we get a deer.
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Tomorrow morning, at 6:00 in the morning, Me, Dad, and my 5 year old brother, Ethan, are going to go out hunting! Me and Ethan aren't going to take bows but we will look for deer for Dad. We will all be on the ground.
I've never gone hunting before but Ethan has.
I can't wait! Maybe we'll get one!
Daddy's birthday was yesterday. We had a Pumpkin Pie that Grammy made.
Owen's birthday is next week, October 9th.
And Nana's birthday is October 11th.
Baby O is going to be 1 year old!
I will post a picture tomorrow if we get a deer.
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
This is Emma's bookmark for the challenge on Children's Challenge Corner. She'll add more about it later but I wanted to get it posted since she's late! :)
Monday, September 20, 2010
N.Y. Here we come!
On Friday, Me, Mom, Anna and Owen, all drove to New York for Mom's Uncle Ajax and Aunt Gladys's 50th Anniversary party. 5 hours in the car with none of those little T.V. things to watch movies on, and no car game we know, isn't a very pleasant way to travel. But, we did stop and get coloring books. When we got there, Mom showed us her house where she grew up and showed us a few other places and then we went to our hotel, and went to the hotel pool, and went to visit Mom's friend, Mrs. Ryan, (we call her Aunt Becky because she and Mom grew up together). She has 5 kids like us, but they are ALL boys. Her oldest, Nathan, was at a friends, and her 2nd oldest went out to some event, and so we had dinner with Her, Uncle Pat, Her 4 boys, Jeremy I think is 12 or 13, Matthew, who is 10, Christopher, who is 4, and Sean, who is 2. Then on Saturday, we went out for breakfast, and drove around a little, visited Mom's Uncle Paul, and then we went to Uncle Ajax and Aunt Gladys party, and drove home which took 6 hours cause we had to stop for the baby.
All in all, we had a great time.
Thanks looking at my blog!
On Friday, Me, Mom, Anna and Owen, all drove to New York for Mom's Uncle Ajax and Aunt Gladys's 50th Anniversary party. 5 hours in the car with none of those little T.V. things to watch movies on, and no car game we know, isn't a very pleasant way to travel. But, we did stop and get coloring books. When we got there, Mom showed us her house where she grew up and showed us a few other places and then we went to our hotel, and went to the hotel pool, and went to visit Mom's friend, Mrs. Ryan, (we call her Aunt Becky because she and Mom grew up together). She has 5 kids like us, but they are ALL boys. Her oldest, Nathan, was at a friends, and her 2nd oldest went out to some event, and so we had dinner with Her, Uncle Pat, Her 4 boys, Jeremy I think is 12 or 13, Matthew, who is 10, Christopher, who is 4, and Sean, who is 2. Then on Saturday, we went out for breakfast, and drove around a little, visited Mom's Uncle Paul, and then we went to Uncle Ajax and Aunt Gladys party, and drove home which took 6 hours cause we had to stop for the baby.
All in all, we had a great time.
Thanks looking at my blog!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Hi! As some of you might already have heard, our Golden Retriever, Ruby, has been pregnant! Last week, the day we were coming home from camping, Nana and Poppy, Mom's parents, called. (They had been watching Ruby while we were gone). That morning, Poppy had come downstairs and she had already had 6 puppies by herself. Then she had 4 more, then I called Poppy and she had had 3 more! So now, in the whelping box on the back porch is a Momma and 13 ADORABLE puppies! 7 girls and 6 boys. I think we have 2 runts. A boy and girl. Since Ruby can't feed them all at the same time we split them in 2 groups. While one group eats, the other group sleeps in a box Mom put a blanket in and put the heating pad under it. And she switches them every 2 hours. At night too! Here are some pictures. So ADORABLE!!!!!!!
Thanks for looking at my blog! Emma.
Thanks for looking at my blog! Emma.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Animal Challenge
This is my card for the Children's Challenge Corner Animal Challenge.
Thanks for looking at my blog! Emma.
Thanks for looking at my blog! Emma.
Friday, August 20, 2010
A New Look for Vacation.
Hi! Yesterday, as you might have known, was my Dad and Mom's 10nth Anniversery! So, this morning, we watched the video of them getting married. On their honeymoon, Daddy decided he wanted to shave his entire beard and mustache off. He looked SO much like his younger brother. Hope your reading this Uncle Jer! So, today, since we go camping Monday, he decided to shave his entire beard and mustache off again! But then , when he was doing it, Mom said to him, "You know you have to go to Church on Sunday like this." Dad forgot he had to go to Church on Sunday! Here's a picture. Enjoy! Emma..
Thursday, August 19, 2010
CCC #8!
This is a card I made for Children's Challenge Corner. Challenge #8. If anybody can see the little white dots in her eyes, they look like they were printed off the computer, they where not. I drew them with a Mom's little white pen. The image is from the sponsor of the challenge Soft Pencil. Thanks for looking at my blog! Emma..
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Hi-ho! Hi-ho! Its off to School in Mom's room we go!
Hi. Monday, Me, Anna and Ethan started School. Anna is in 1rst grade, Ethan is in Kindergarten and I am in 3rd! We do it in the morning when Owen takes his nap and Aaron will be watching either "Bob the Buiber" (Bob the Builder) or "Di-a-go" (Diego) That's what Aaron calls them. This year Ethan learns to read. And, much to Daddy's delight, Biology. Which is hard to understand.
That's all for today!
Thanks for looking at my blog!
That's all for today!
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
This is a card I made for Children's Challenge Corner challenge #9 - Ribbons and Bows. I used this cute Sophia image from Paper Pretties. As some of you might have guessed, I tried to make it look like Ariel the Disney Princess. My Dad said, "She looks a little chubby for Ariel!" Mom did the waves and the clouds, but I did the mermaid all by myself. Mom said that there's no way the Magazine will publish my card. Why? Thanks for visiting! Emma.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Yea! I was picked as one of the top three on Kona Kids Krafters!! Yea!
You can see my card on Kona Kids Krafters and on my Blog Post.
Thanks for looking at my blog! Emma.
You can see my card on Kona Kids Krafters and on my Blog Post.
Thanks for looking at my blog! Emma.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
A card for, Challenge #6 (CCC6)
Here is a card I made for the Children's Challenge Corner. The last line of flowers got messed up a little but Mom said its fine. The challenge is to make a card with flowers and my card has flowers! Thanks for looking at my blog! Emma.
Friday, June 18, 2010
July 4th
This is my card for the challenge at Kona Kids Krafters - July 4th - Red, White & Blue. I used stamps from Flourishes to make my card. Thanks for looking!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Father's Day.

Thanks for looking at my blog! Emma.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Best Friends.
This is a card I made for my cousin Alivia's birthday in July. I put some white glitter on their ice-cream-cones. The one with brown hair is Alivia and the blond haired one is me. Alivia is going to be 10! 2 years older than me. Alivia made us friendship bracelets and her younger sister, Jillian, made her and Anna bracelets. Well, that's all. Thanks for looking at my blog. Emma.
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